General English course
This English course is for people who wish to improve their general level of English.
The course concentrates on improving all aspects of your English but we strongly believe in helping you to learn to speak English well so much of your time will be spent practising listening and speaking.
You can start this course on any Monday and choose to study from 1 week to a full academic year.
You start your lessons at 9.30am and work until 11.00am. You then have a break where you can relax, chat to your school-mates or use the internet to email your friends and family.
There is also a kitchen with tea and coffee facilities and some light refreshments.
At 11.30am you go back into class and study until 1.00pm. This lesson after break is where you will do much of your conversation and listening practise.
If you are interested in seeing the beautiful city of Edinburgh a bit closer, we offer free walks and talks about the city in the afternoons* .
We can also arrange specially prepared tours of the local monuments and visitor attractions during this time.
What will you study on this course?
Our teachers plan your weekly lessons so that at the end of the week you CAN say and understand certain things in English. Below are 2 examples of what you can expect to learn in your English course with us.
Example CEFR B1 (Intermediate English) week of lessons
This week we will focus on lifestlyes and possessions. At the end of this week you should be able to say:
I can use comparatives and superlatives (including modifying adverbs)
I can use relative clauses
I can use linking words – contrast, addition, cause
I can structure an argument
I can give opinions
I can understand the skill of interrupting
Example CEFR A2 (Pre-Intermediate English) week of lessons
This week we will focus on communities and relationships. At the end of this week you should be able to say:
I can use modals of speculation (might, must)
I can use the 2nd conditional
I can use say and tell correctly
I can use me, neither, me too, so do I
I can give opinions
I can agree and disagree
I can guess meaning from context
*May to September only
** Except Christmas holidays
Course Information
Monday to Friday
09:30 to 11:00
11:30 to 13:00
Prices 2025
£195 per week